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Removing Blood Stains on Your Area Rug

Area rugs can be a great addition to any room. It can serve as a very nice accessory to improve a room’s look and appeal while at the same time offering the homeowner a chance to inject a little bit of his own personality into the home. But area rugs can be a bit challenging to maintain. It can get dirty quite easily and it faces regular cleaning problems that threaten its look and condition.

One such problem that can happen on your area rugs is having stains on it. There are many kinds of stains which can render your area rug dirty and unattractive but one of the toughest ones to deal with is blood stains. Blood stains can get on your carpet if you accidentally wound or scrape yourself and you get blood all over the rug. This is a very difficult situation to remedy as the blood can really result in a nasty stain that is hard to get out. Luckily this is not a problem that doesn’t have a solution. Check out the guide below to find out how you can remove blood stains on your area rug with ease.

First, you should always try to clean up stains on the area rug as soon as possible. Acting fast can really save you the time and effort as it would make for an easier time in removing stains and spills on it. As soon as you get blood on the area rug, get a piece of paper towel and blot the mess immediately to prevent it from spreading to other areas of the rug.

Next you would need to get a cleaning solution which will help break down the blood stain on the area rug. For this step, you can just make one on your own by mixing a teaspoon of non-bleach laundry detergent with ¾ liters of water. Get some of the resulting solution and apply it onto the blood stain.

After applying the cleaning solution onto the stained area of the rug, get another piece of clean white cloth and again blot the spot. Blotting helps remove the stain from the rug fibers and onto the cloth. Do this continuously until all of the blood stain is removed.

Lastly, you should rinse the rug with a cup of clean water to get rid of any cleaning solution residue. The residue if left behind on the carpet can build-up over time and damage your carpet without you knowing it. That is why it is vital that you do this last step.

Blood stains on your area rug are no joke but hopefully the guide above will help you in solving this cleaning problem easily. Good luck and happy cleaning!

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Ernie was Awesome!!! Everything was fantastic.

Janina Carson, Mascotte Fl

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